附件中包括:微软2013暑期实习笔试题、微软2013校园招聘笔试题(9.22 第一次笔试)。
1. What is the difference between a linked list and an array?(3 Points)
A. Search complexity when both are sorted
B. Dynamically add/remove
C. Random access efficiency
D. Data storage type
2. About the Thread and Process in Windows, which description(s) is(are) correct:(3 Points)
A. One application in OS must have one Process, but not a necessary to have one Thread
B. The Process could have its own Stack but the thread only could share the Stack of its parent Process
C. Thread must belongs to a Process
D. Thread could change its belonging Process
3. 1 of 1000 bottles of water is poisoned which will kill a rat in 1 week if the rat drunk any amout of the water. Given the bottles of water have no visual difference, how many rats are needed at least to find the poisoned one in 1 week?(5 Points)
A. 9
B. 10
C. 32
D. None of the above
4. Which of the following statement(s) equal(s) value 1 in C programming language?(5 Points)
A. the return value of main function if program ends normally
B. return (7&1)
C. char *str="microsoft"; return str=="microsoft"
D. return "microsoft"=="microsoft"
E. None of the above
5. If you computed 32 bit signed integers F and G from 32 bit signed X using F = X / 2 and G = (X>>1), and you found F!=G, this implies that(5 Points)
A. There is a compiler error
B. X is odd
C. X is negative
D. F - G = 1
E. G - F = 1
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微软2013.4.6暑期实习笔试题.docx | 132.65 KB | 2017-06-05 |
微软2013校园招聘笔试题(9.22 第一次笔试).docx | 50.99 KB | 2017-06-05 |
微软笔试面试 | 0.00 KB | 2020-07-29 |
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